Kross has made appearances in the FX's comedy series ‘’The League’’, the G4 reality series ‘’The Block’’, and Family Jewels. In 2011 she was cast as Tara in Gregory Hatanaka's drama Blue Dream In 2011, Kross briefly co-hosted a regular videocast, Kayden's Review, for Triggla TV alongside the Comedian Dane Hanson. From 2012 - 2013, Kross portrayed a main character in the second season of Tucky Williams' lesbian-themed web series Girl/Girl Scene. Starting from January 2013 Kross hosts the weekly call-in show Krossfire on Playboy Radio. In 2013, Kross also appeared in the featurette "Chicks 'N Guns" on the Breaking Bad 5th season DVD as a stripper. The scene takes place during the season 5 episode "Gliding Over All." Kross also appeared in two music videos from the band Nekrogoblikon, "No One Survives" in 2012 and "We Need a Gimmick" in 2015.