Some Lesser Known Facts About John Lennon
- Did John Lennon Smoke?: Yes
- Did John Legend drink alcohol?: Yes
- As a teenager, John Lennon got crazy about Skiffle music (music made with homemade or improvised instruments).
- John Lennon was the founder of the band The Beatles. He was a member of the band The Quarryman when he was a teenager and the same band turned out to be The Beatles. Their first song of The Beatles was the song “That’ll be the day” from the band The Quaryman.
- The reason disbandment of the Band was the death of Brian Epstein. He died of a medical overdose. He was the promoter and the anchor of the band as he took the band to international audience and solved the conflicts of the band. John was very close to him and left after Paul McCartney took control and became over-empowering.
- He was named after his grandfather ‘John Jack Lennon’ and the president ‘Winston Churchill’. Hence his full name – ‘John Winston Lennon’
- His father was normally away but would send checks for his mother and John. The checks stopped once and his father went AWOL. When Alfred Lennon came back six months later to take care of the family, John’s mother rejected the idea because she was already pregnant with some other man’s child.
- Sister of John’s mother, Mimi took Lennon’s custody after reporting to the local social services. His father tried to take him away to New Zealand but got chased by Lennon’s wife and her partner. At the age of 5, John chose to be his father twice but went to his mother crying when she walked away.
- Lennon was raised by his maternal aunt and her husband, who didn’t have a kid of their own. His mother Julia would visit him often.
- His aunt used to play the song “Isn’t that a shame” which John learned and his uncle bought him a mouth-organ and banjo.
- He always was a bad-mouthed poet and musician and in his childhood. He was one of those kids that the parents ask their kids to stay away from. He was raised by five sisters, his mother being the youngest one. He said parents are not God because he has survived without them.
- John used to draw comic cartoons that were published in the school magazine ‘The Daily Howl’.
- His school reports, generally, would have remarks like “Certainly on the road to failure … hopeless … rather a clown in class … wasting other pupils’ time.”
- His mother bought him the first guitar and had it delivered at her own place, instead of Mimi’s because Mimi was not supportive of his musical career because she though he’ll never be able to make a living out of it.
- Lennon was never good at studies. Failed all his O-level exams and was allowed admission in college with help of his aunt and headmaster. Despite the help of a student and girl Cynthia Powell, who he married later on, he failed the final exam.
- Lennon met Paul McCartney during the second performance of the band The Quarryman. Mimi was always insulting Paul for being from a lower class and Paul’s father always thought of John as a bad influence. Although he later allowed them to practice at his place.
- Initially, John didn’t “exactly” welcome the idea of dressing formally as the band manager Brian Epstein suggested but later he said, “I’ll wear a bloody balloon if somebody’s going to pay me.”
- Although John himself wasn’t very happy with the lyrics and called them irrelevant and written just to create sound, his band members idolized him and stated, “He was like our own little Elvis… We all looked up to John. He was older and he was very much the leader; he was the quickest wit and the smartest.”
- During the Royal Variety Show, in the presence of the Queen and other royalties, John Lennon, being himself came up with – “For our next song, I’d like to ask for your help. For the people in the cheaper seats, clap your hands … and the rest of you, if you’ll just rattle your jewellery.”
- He said that his song ‘Help!’ was him actually asking for help as it was his “Fat Elvis” period.
- Lennon was close to loosing his sense of self-identity because of regular use of LSD. Although his creativity enhanced and the Time magazine said that the song Strawberry Fields had “astonishing inventiveness”.
- John attended Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s “Transcendental Meditation” camp in Bangor, Wales and then also went to his ashram in India. The band manager died during that time and they wrote most of the songs for Beatles and Abbey Road while they were there.
- John Lennon appeared in a dark comedy How I won the War – the only non-Beatles movie he ever did.
- John wanted his wife Cynthia to like an actress he liked and when she cut her hair short, he didn’t talk to her for two days!
- The Beatles formed a production company called Apple Corp for artistic freedom but faced problems due to personal commitments and lack of organisational skills. The Beatles approached several different managers but only Allen Klein (The former manager of The Rolling Stones) agreed to be their band’s manager but Paul McCartney never signed the contract to hire him.
- John was furious about Paul’s announcement of him leaving the band on releasing his solo album when John had left the band but didn’t make it public because there were still negotiations going on.
- The critic Greil Marcus said, “John’s singing in the last verse of ‘God’ may be the finest in all of rock.”
- Lennon wrote the song “How do you sleep?” in answer to his song “Ram”. Paul agreed that he had directed the lyrics towards Lennon and Ono. John later said that he just used the situation to write a song relating it to himself.
- John Lennon and his wife Ono called their honeymoon Bed-in Peace and used it for bringing awareness and peace. He wrote the song Give Peace a Chance during that time. The song was adopted as the anti-war song during the Vietnam War.
- There were attempts to deport Lennon from San Diago as Nixon thought that Lennon’s anti-war songs can cost him re-election.
- The US embassy was also started the deportation process for Lennon and barring his entry because he was found to possess marijuana in London.
- Enthralled by his rebellion, he was asked to leave the US within 60 days.
- Proving John Lennon right, Nixon was found guilty in the Watergate scandal and was asked to resign from the post after 14 months.
- Jon Weiner filed a case against the FBI for its involvement in the deportation of John Lennon. Weiner partially won the case under the influence of Bill Clinton the report was released except 10 pages. The story is told in The US vs John Lennon documentary.
- John was playing the mouth organ on a bus when the driver heard him and was impressed. He asked John to come to the depot and collect an unclaimed harmonica which replaced his childhood toy.
- Lennon knew how to play mouth-organ, different kinds of guitars and Piano too.
- He was always insecure about his voice and asked for editing if it cracked or didn’t come out the way John wanted it.
- His song “Imagine” was announced by BBC to be the best lyrical piece of art.
- His statue is erected in front of the Cavern Club, Liverpool.
- John’s solo and collaboration work won him 25 number one singles on US Hot 100 and a Grammy Award for The Album of the Year for his album Double Fantasy. He was also honored with the BRIT Award for Outstanding Contribution to Music.
- After his separation with his father at the age of five, he met him after 20 years at the time when his manager Brian Springsteen died.
- John’s body was cremated, not buried.
- Lennon and Yoko had a psychic on board who was paid as good as their lawyers and accountants.
- The first time Lennon had LSD when his dentist slipped it into his coffee.
- John asked Yoko to make a list of all the people she has slept with.
- Fed up with the kind of performances The Beatles did, john said, “Beatles concerts are nothing to do with music any more. They’re just bloody tribal rites.”
- John had said that “You have to be a bastard to make it, and that’s a fact. And the Beatles were the biggest bastards on earth.”
- Lennon started loving to cook in his later years and used to prepare food for his staff of around twelve members.
- John Lennon nick named his album Rubber Soul as ‘The Pot Album’ and Revolver as ‘Acid Album’.
- While in college, Lennon punched a guy because he asked John’s then lady love Cynthia Powell to dance with him.
- When Yoko was pregnant, John lied on the bed next to her and held her hand.
- The most of the time that Lennon spent with his first wife Cynthia was on the weekends, when he would try to turn her on to LCD and termed it as “Operation Cynthia”.
- Lennon explained his relationship with Yoko as nascent and stated, “This is different from anything before. This is more than a hit record. It’s more than gold. It’s more than anything.”
- His father used to be the mascot for his school’s Soccer Team.
- When Lennon was about to leave Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Yogi asked him that why is he leaving soon, John replied saying, “Well, if you are so cosmic, you should know why”.
- John turned the guitar into a sort of banjo by taking two strings off the guitar and then Paul showed him how to play six-stringer.
- In the early days of Beatles’ performances, just for fun, Lennon used to sing the songs in a humorous German, French, or Mexican accents.
- The judge J. Edgar Hoover, in the FBI trials, read all of John’s lyrics and watched all the videos to find a reason to get rid of him and deport him from the US.
- The Beatles’ producer once said that Lennon was “a completely impractical man”.
- John was embarrassed of wearing glasses and would go on without wearing them even if had to be half-blind. Thanks to Buddy Holly that he asked his aunt to get him a pair. He was also found dyslexic later on.
- He did not choose acting as a career because it is more binding on a person than being a singer.
- John and Cynthia’s marriage started to fall apart when he started consuming heavier amounts of LSD.
- Soon as he got his driver’s license, several car dealers parked their cars outside Lennon’s house as samples hoping that he would but their brand.
- Lennon got canned in The Sunday School for calling Scribes and Pharisees in the Bible “Fascists.”
- While he was in his yacht in The Bermuda Triangle, he survived the 65 mph windy storm with 20 feet high waves!
- The Beatles were honored with the Most Excellence Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II. However, John Lennon returned the medal saying – “Your Majesty, I am returning my MBE as a protest against Britain’s involvement in the Nigeria-Biafra thing, against our support of America in Vietnam and against ‘Cold Turkey’ slipping down the charts. With love. John Lennon.”
- Lennon accepted of abuse with his first wife and accepted in an interview with Playboy saying – “I used to be cruel to my woman, and physically — any woman. I was a hitter. I couldn’t express myself and I hit. I fought men and I hit women. That is why I am always on about peace, you see. It is the most violent people who go for love and peace.”
- Off the Ireland coast, Lennon bought an island called the Dornish Island where he invited Hippies to establish a community. After thriving there for two years, a fire destroyed most of their property.
- Lennon’s psychedelic car was sold at $2.3 million which he gave away for $230,000 to settle a tax bill.
- He was the only Beatle who did not turn vegetarian.
- John liked sleeping in a coffin that was placed in a cafe.